ISH VATIKA is located in the outskirts of south west Delhi in the agricultural sector of the L zone. It’s about 28 km from IGIA and 40 kms from New Delhi railway station. It is well connected with metro rail and Kair cluster bus depot is at a walking distance.ISH VATIKA has got 2 and half acres of land belongs to archdiocese of Delhi but given to Chetanlaaya as a donation to use for building up Peace and harmony through mediations and prayers. The existing prefabricated house would be the staff quarters and the adjoining plot would become the dining room, conference room and the play field. The Shahjahans drain (dry for35 years), which is dividing the property into two would be converted into a fish and natural swimming pool, which would be supplying water into the narrow stream that runs through the boundary of the property and entrance of each cottage. This would also be the water harvesting hub of the centre.
At the entrance of the centre would be the parking lot. Behind the rectory would be the Meditation hall. Facing the meditation hall would be a secluded glass cottage with creepers growing along its sides. The glass cottage will be used for counselling, one on one sessions and meditation. The ten individual cottages would be housed on the south side of the property, surrounded by fruit and decorative trees. A lawn and flower garden would be around the cottage, front view towards the north would be the farm land. A narrow walk way would cover the cottages, a jog track which would help the visitors to take a scroll.